Monday, March 10, 2008

Say Hello To My Little Friend...

Yeah, so I caved on the cat. Outnumbered 3-to-1, you can only hold on for so long. Just ask Davy Crockett. Of course we'll be back with updates as we continue on this feline Magical Mystery Tour. We just got her yesterday, her name is Olive and - as of this morning - I'm not itching. Her breed is said to be hypo-allergenic, at least anecdotally, and so far I have no evidence to the contrary. As one might expect, the girls (all three of them) are over the moon.

Anyone interested in preparing themselves for future reports by reviewing the full history of this epic struggle should read this, and then read this, and then stand by.

Now back to our regularly-scheduled programming.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cute kitty!

2:22 PM  
Blogger Diadora W. said...

Nice kitten.

8:41 PM  
Blogger Jane Hards Photography said...

I am one of those that came here via a best of blogs.Glad i did, stunning pics and what a cute kitten

8:54 PM  
Blogger Shawty is a Shortie said...

Those pictures are beautiful and i really think they are lovely and i'm not just saying that.

10:20 PM  
Blogger emily said...

That is a cute kitty with a cute name. Do you have any advice for someone trying to convince his or her significant other to get a kitten?

10:42 PM  
Blogger Bobbi Billard said...

I had one of those and unfortunately, I was still allergic. I'm an asthmatic though. Anyway, good luck with the cat. It's very cute!

11:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooo..this cat is so cute..i love cats too.

11:53 PM  
Blogger FunkeeDeeva said...

Hi little one :-)

1:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My cat's name is Olive! :D Congrats-she's adorable!!!

8:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your kitten is very sweet. My kitty, Sid, is nearly two years old and still is kittenish. He's a funny guy, an indoor tuxedo cat. I think he's a little mad about being inside, but I live in a condo. Yikes, cement all around. Well, he has birds to look at outside, which is the best I can do, beside the catnip mice.

2:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

beautiful blog and photographs!=D

6:18 AM  
Blogger carl1t05way said...

nice kitty

3:21 AM  
Blogger Eileen said...

What a darling little kitty!
Great blog!

12:02 PM  
Blogger Ana said...

as other people, i spotted this one at the 'blogs of notice'....and saw the pic of the kitten...and I cant not comment on it...its absolutely adorable!! I have a very soft spot of cats, and have a cat also...not exactly as this one, but they have some resemblances :)

12:04 PM  
Blogger kate. said...

how cute!!


10:58 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

awww the kitten is so cute check out my blog its http:/

1:25 PM  
Blogger *jean* said...

oh my gosh, she is the cutest thing we've ever seen...lucky olive

5:33 PM  
Blogger Liddy said...

I can't imagine anyone regretting getting a cat.... but then I'm biased. LOL. She's gorgeous enjoy.

8:24 PM  
Blogger Celine said...

She's adorable!
Enjoy her! :)

5:27 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Your kitten is so cute.. We had a pound kitty for 2 days, but he yowled and kept us up all night so we returned him.. The SPCA was very angry. I felt very bad..

I'm new here and I'm not sure my comments are being received.. It says Choose and Identity and Google/Blogger is preselected under it it says "You're currently postinfg as Lorraine Use a different account.. Why isn't my Google account ID used? Do I need to use the name/Url thing for my Blogger ID? folkartist1958..

8:31 AM  
Blogger Al Patel said...

Hello Olive. Cats are useful for keeping mice and snakes away from your home, which is always a good thing. :)

1:07 PM  
Blogger Shana♥(: said...

Awww! What a cute kitty! Great photography!

4:24 PM  
Blogger Lydia said...

Olive is adorable! I blogged about our new kitten, Shiva Lullaby, on March 22. She assisted in soothing a 10-year-old neighbor, Ali, whose mother had that night attempted suicide. (I have an update on Ali posted also.)
"I think this world is perfect . . . when you have a cat!"

8:49 PM  
Blogger evilragdoll-lakemichigan said...

I Think that your cat is so cute... i have a dog :]

9:24 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Does your breeder have a website by any chance? I am looking for a Siberian (thanks to your postings!) and think yours are just beautiful. Please let me know. Thanks!

4:30 PM  

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