Dental Correspondence
Madison lost her fifth baby tooth last weekend, it had been wiggling for a couple of days and she finally pulled it out herself. At some point she mentioned that someone in her class gets books and small toys from the Tooth Fairy - instead of money - and said she was interested in exploring a similar redefinition of this key relationship.
We encouraged her to write a short letter to formalize the request, maybe provide a little context on this most recent escapee. As soon as I saw the letter I knew I would have to post it. Briefly considered cleaning up the typos but couldn't bring myself to change her text. One of the standing objectives here, after all - in addition to trashing Microsoft ads - is preserving these kinds of small moments with a certain degree of authenticity.
I did take the additional step of clarifying a few key words that may be difficult to decipher, my contributions appear in brackets.
Here is the letter, exactly as it was hand-written on five pages of lined paper:
My tooth
Dear, tooth fairy
Yestr day I was
wigling my tooth
It got verey lose
I waned it to come
out but I still had
to go on the bus
so I cudnt pull it
out but wheen I
got home I wiggld
it a lot but it
still dint come out
evin at night it
woudnt come out
I was geting
frusradt aftr are
move (movie) ended I
went up stars and
gradd (grabbed) a tishuw and
jently trid to
pull it out but
it wodnt buj
a bit.
So this morning
I lookd in the
meara and it
was so lose
that I cudnt
stand not pulling
it out so I
did and it felt
so good the end.
And by the way I
have a qweshins
that I have bian (been)
waning to ask you.
1 - do you like to read?
2 - do you feel lonly some times?
3 - is there fareys all over the world?
4 - how do you get undr my pillow with out waking me up?
5 - do you have a casal (castle) of teeth?
Plese rithe back
can I have a
supr cool captr (chapter) book
abowt your land
and as a little surprise
can I have a little
book abowt fall
for my sistr
We encouraged her to write a short letter to formalize the request, maybe provide a little context on this most recent escapee. As soon as I saw the letter I knew I would have to post it. Briefly considered cleaning up the typos but couldn't bring myself to change her text. One of the standing objectives here, after all - in addition to trashing Microsoft ads - is preserving these kinds of small moments with a certain degree of authenticity.
I did take the additional step of clarifying a few key words that may be difficult to decipher, my contributions appear in brackets.
Here is the letter, exactly as it was hand-written on five pages of lined paper:
My tooth
Dear, tooth fairy
Yestr day I was
wigling my tooth
It got verey lose
I waned it to come
out but I still had
to go on the bus
so I cudnt pull it
out but wheen I
got home I wiggld
it a lot but it
still dint come out
evin at night it
woudnt come out
I was geting
frusradt aftr are
move (movie) ended I
went up stars and
gradd (grabbed) a tishuw and
jently trid to
pull it out but
it wodnt buj
a bit.
So this morning
I lookd in the
meara and it
was so lose
that I cudnt
stand not pulling
it out so I
did and it felt
so good the end.
And by the way I
have a qweshins
that I have bian (been)
waning to ask you.
1 - do you like to read?
2 - do you feel lonly some times?
3 - is there fareys all over the world?
4 - how do you get undr my pillow with out waking me up?
5 - do you have a casal (castle) of teeth?
Plese rithe back
can I have a
supr cool captr (chapter) book
abowt your land
and as a little surprise
can I have a little
book abowt fall
for my sistr
What did the tooth fairy decide?
And isn't it nice she wants a book for her sister? Loved the spelling of budge (buj) -
The Tooth Fairy now carries books.
What a neat idea!
I loved her letter and am so happy you didn't change her spelling. It keeps is genuine.
What a great idea!!!
My oldest is about to lose her first tooth and we have been discussing the going rate for a tooth. I think a book is just about perfect...
I love that she asked for a gift for her sister. So very sweet!
This is one of the most adorable letters I've ever read. What a sweet child to ask for a book for her sister. Please let us know what the tooth fairy decides to do for Madison.
I LOVE that she asked the tooth fairy to "rithe" back. That made me laugh out loud. This letter is so cute! Definitely something to keep forever. And thanks for the book idea. I'm going to use that when my kids (once they exist) lose their teeth. And the fact that she asked for a book for her sister...would any adult have thought of that? How precious.
Big grin on my face the whole letter. BUJ got a big guffaw out of me. What a sweet little lady, wanting something for her sister (but only little) and wanting to know if the tooth fairy ever gets lonely! What a beautiful heart!
I think that is the most awesome letter from a child that I have ever read. How adorable!
so sweet! and I love that the tooth fairy now carries books, and she asked for a book about fall (the season?!) for her sister... adorable.
Eric Mueller - - "Books so good, they'll keep you up past your bedtime :)"
Castles made of teeth! That is the cutest thing I have read in a long time~
When I was younger growing up in France, it was always a little "mouse" that would collect my teeth and leave me a little gift under my pillow, and it would always leave me a little note back. I didnt discover the tooth fairie until i came to the US.
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, that's soo adorable. Changing the text would've been horrible. It's so cute as it. I smell something to give her in 20 years.
Oh my god this was the cutest letter I have read.
How absolutely huggable they are both your kids?
This is adorable!! What a sweetie. I had my own personal toothfairy when I was growing up, and she (aka, my dad), used to write me letters about her plans for my teeth. I loved the letters even more than I loved the money! Sounds like this would work really well for your daughter, too!
i got teary-eyed about her asking if the tooth fairy got lonely and then asking for a present also for her sister. what a kind, compassionate child you are raising! i loved reading your letter. thank you for sharing it.
lol that is awesome :) that sure made me smile. it wouldn't buj a bit. that's classic. and the teeth castle, that's gotta be a sight.
This is so cute!By the way,
I recently started a link sharing community for parents, I was wondering if you would like to submit your link (or any other links you like) so that people who have joined the community can get to know your blog?
Thank you very much.
oh..that´s so cute!
Am I allowed to demand a follow-up post? One in which you post a scan of the 5 pages? After all, a picture is worth 5 pages of words. ;)
Recommending books so good, they'll keep you up past your bedtime. ;)
Years ago, long before the land of came into existance in the heart of my son, he wrote a poem "The Day After Christmas" - for a school project, grade 6. It was 5 verses and rhymed! It was delightful and really clever. And made this mother's heart swell with pride.
Dad, I can easily imagine how you feel because my son's poem (now framed on my wall where my grown up son can now read his 'art'!) has a special place in my heart just as your little girls writing has in yours... and fortunately in the heart of all of us.
I believe children teach us to love and your little girl's poem, generous heart, and compassion is exactly what we all need as a reminder of what is really important. Love. Simply love.
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