Arthur Avenue Redux
We marked Father's Day this year with a family excursion to Arthur Avenue in the Bronx. Managed to hit all the personal favorites, Ravioli and fresh pasta stock-up at Borgatti's (yes, we brought coolers), Madonia Brother's for bread, another extraordinary lunch of pizza and salad at Mario's. Unfortunately we discovered that Teitel Brothers is closed on Sunday, so no Fulvi Pecorino Romano, but it was still a great day. And, this time, I brought my camera.

[Mario's exterior, close-up of the menu that does not include any mention of what can only be considered one of the best pizzas you will ever have in your life, and owner Joseph Migliucci (through a glass window) making one of the aforementioned pizzas. Shhhh...]

[The boxes of Borgatti's insane ravioli that are now safely ensconced in our fridge and freezer, alone, were worth the trip. Bought enough to share with a few fortunate friends and neighbors, and also some of the homemade pasta, which starts off as large sheets that are then custom cut to five designated thicknesses. Here we see our personal semolina concierge standing over a mound of #5.]

[Ridiculous bread. Ridiculous.]

[Stopped off, again, to light a candle and say a prayer at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church.]

[Only negative of the day was discovering that Teitel Brothers isn't open on Sunday. Oh well, just another excuse to get back there soon. And we will.]
[Mario's exterior, close-up of the menu that does not include any mention of what can only be considered one of the best pizzas you will ever have in your life, and owner Joseph Migliucci (through a glass window) making one of the aforementioned pizzas. Shhhh...]
[The boxes of Borgatti's insane ravioli that are now safely ensconced in our fridge and freezer, alone, were worth the trip. Bought enough to share with a few fortunate friends and neighbors, and also some of the homemade pasta, which starts off as large sheets that are then custom cut to five designated thicknesses. Here we see our personal semolina concierge standing over a mound of #5.]
[Ridiculous bread. Ridiculous.]
[Stopped off, again, to light a candle and say a prayer at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church.]
[Only negative of the day was discovering that Teitel Brothers isn't open on Sunday. Oh well, just another excuse to get back there soon. And we will.]
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