Saturday, October 27, 2007

D Minus 5, And Counting

Can you guess where we are going next week?

Here's another hint.

First time with the girls, and they're just a little excited about it. We've extensively consulted friends who have boldly gone where we we haven't gone before (at least as adults) and gotten some good and helpful advice. We've pre-booked a princess breakfast, some kind of "not so scary" Halloween parade, a variety of dinners and two hours of on-site credit counseling.

I have to laugh every time I see that commercial - which has been in heavy rotation lately - featuring the set of eager and fresh-faced parents pricing out a Disney vacation. The Web site spits out a quote of something like $1,600 for a one-week stay, prompting the couple to take turns pinching each other and saying things like, "that's not so much... and they're such good and loving children... we can DO this!"

That must be the "Work While You Play" partial-employment package, the one where you take the kids into the Magic Kingdom during the day and then rotate overnight shifts cleaning character costumes and fishing popsicle sticks and baby wipes out of the "It's a Small World" water, because we're already into Walt for a multiple of that quote and we haven't left home yet.

But we really are looking forward to the trip. You can never be completely sure, in advance of such an enormous undertaking, but I think we're ready. We're strong and healthy and appropriately branded, after taking delivery about a week ago of the Disney Crocs pictured above.

Wish us luck. We'll report back on our progress, maybe even send along a dispatch or two from The Happiest Place on Earth.


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